Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Colorful Colorado

So it has been an extremely long time since I have updated our post. Things have been so crazy and a whirl wind! The summer is over and fall is upon. Halloween will be here soon and then Thanksgiving. We are still trying to catch up from everything that has taken place this summer. Some fun things that we have been up to is four wheeling, short over night trips, and not so fun things are working, working, and school, and school. YUK! Carter is doing very well. He is getting into the terrible three's. Even though he is still a few months away from that, he is in training!
However, I wanted to share these pics with everyone that we took a couple of weeks ago. We took these on Blow Out Pass. It was absolutely gorgeous. Hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

DSigns said...

Lots of fun Jenny. Hey the leaves are so gorgeous. Where exactly is blow out pass?