Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Easter Everyone!

Well another Easter has come upon us. This year was Carter's third Easter and his first time coloring easter eggs! We had so much fun! However, all the eggs ended up with cracks in them! He would get an egg to put in the cups to color but rather than place them gently in the cups he would throw them into the cups! And then SPLASH there goes the coloring all over the counter. Then it came time to put the stickers on the eggs........ that was another adventure in and of itself! If the eggs weren't cracked from the coloring process, they got cracked during the decorating process. And of course there were several eggs with trucks and cars on them!

Easter morning came and the first thing Carter did when he saw his basket was, "COW" and wanted his farm animals out immediately!

Well I hope all is well with everyone and that Easter was a happy time for all!

More to come later!

1 comment:

DSigns said...

The cutest. hey your hair looks super cute too.